Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation - EACI | ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/contact/index_en.htm | Europe, European institutions | English | |
Committee of the Regions | www.cor.europa.eu | Europe, European institutions | English | |
Directorate General Energy and Transport - DG TREN | ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport | Europe, European institutions | English | |
External Relations Directorate General - DG RELEX | ec.europa.eu/comm/dgs/external_relations | Europe, European institutions | English | |
Directorate General Regional Policy - DG REGIO | ec.europa.eu/dgs/regional_policy/index_en.htm | Europe, European institutions | English | |
Directorate General Environment - DG ENVI | ec.europa.eu/comm/environment | Europe, European institutions | All language | |
DG Enlargement | ec.europa.eu/comm/dgs/enlargement | Europe, European institutions | All language | |
European Economic and Social Committee | www.eesc.europa.eu | Europe, European institutions | All language | |
Council of the European Union | www.consilium.europa.eu | Europe, European institutions | All language |
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